How Prepared Are You for an Emergency? BML Wealth

When we consider everything life can throw at us, it seems important to prepare for setbacks. We’ve seen forest fires in California, Hurricane Ida, flooding in Tennessee, plus a continuation of COVID. There’s no getting rid of all the risks in life, but a solid plan goes a long way, whether it’s having a first aid kit in your office or a financial plan as you enter retirement. Here are some ways to prepare for an emergency.

Have Supplies

One easy thing you can do to prepare for any emergency is put together a supply kit. This should include water, typically one gallon per person per day for several days, as well as a three-day supply of non-perishable food. Add a flashlight, first aid kit, batteries, a can opener, local maps, and whistle. If you take prescription medications, you may consider adding a supply of these, as well as non-prescription medications like pain relievers. Matches, paper and pencils, and sleeping bags can also be part of an emergency supply kit.

Make a Plan

Discuss with everyone in your house how you’ve prepared for emergencies and what your plan of action will be. If you’ve lived somewhere for a while, you’re probably familiar with the types of natural disasters that can be common there. But if you’re in a new place, familiarize yourself with the common natural disasters in the area. Then make a plan for where you’ll meet family members if you get separated, where the emergency supplies are, and what each person would be responsible for in the case of an emergency.

Stay Informed

Know how you could get information if you didn’t have access to the internet. If the TV doesn’t work, a portable hand crank radio may be an option. When major disasters occur, emergency response times can be delayed or temporarily unavailable if roads are inaccessible. Consider learning first aid and CPR and how to use a defibrillator. These skills can be useful at any time, not just in the case of major disasters.

No one can predict disasters – natural or financial, but anyone can have a plan in place for when they happen. We can help you prep better for retirement by creating an all-weather plan. [sc name=”comp_review”] to sign up for a complimentary financial review to discuss your retirement concerns and goals with us at [sc name=”company_name].

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