
Our Blog and Newsletters

How America’s Aging Population Will Shape the Future

September 18, 2020|Lifestyle, Retirement|

By the year 2035, Americans 65 and older are expected to outnumber those under 18 for the first time in our country’s history. In just 10 years, people over 60 will make up the largest consumer market segment and hold a majority of the wealth. In a culture that tends to glorify youth and doesn’t [...]

3 Trends to Keep an Eye On When Planning for Retirement

September 14, 2020|Retirement|

If you’re just trying to get through the present, you’re not alone. But, that doesn’t mean you can forget to look to the future and prepare for challenges you could face. There are indications that we could see higher taxes in the future, more market volatility, and continuing low interest rates. Here are three trends [...]

3 Reasons Why Your Tax Burden Could Increase In Retirement

September 7, 2020|Tax Planning|

Most people assume that their tax burden will dramatically decrease in retirement once they stop receiving a paycheck, but this isn’t always true. A high tax bill is one retirement risk to be aware of and to try and mitigate. We may be experiencing relatively low taxes right now, but a change in leadership in [...]

Motivate, Don’t Procrastinate

September 4, 2020|Lifestyle, Psychology|

They say there are people who watch things happen, people who make things happen, and people who say, “what happened?” You certainly don’t want to be the last kind, and it's not so great to be the first kind, either. But distractions can get in the way, and the best of us procrastinate. COVID-19 may [...]

Please note that these publications and appearances occurred before West Wealth Group became a Federally Registered Investment Advisor. They have the disclosures that were required by prior firms and have not been updated in an effort to be transparent and not confuse our clients and prospects.



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