Our Blog and Newsletters
Aging in Place
Many homeowners age 50 and older say that they want to “age in place,” but the reality is that many homes were not built to accommodate the needs of older people. If you want to remain in your house during your golden years, you may need to do some home remodeling. Fortunately, there are modifications [...]
Travel in Retirement Without Overspending
So you want to become a world traveler in retirement, but you’re also a responsible person who knows they need to support themselves for the next 30 years. You can take advantage of your newfound free time in retirement and rethink your destinations to maximize value. With careful compromise and some creativity, you could fulfill [...]
Please note that these publications and appearances occurred before West Wealth Group became a Federally Registered Investment Advisor. They have the disclosures that were required by prior firms and have not been updated in an effort to be transparent and not confuse our clients and prospects.
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