
15 04, 2022

Is the Best Yet to Come?

2022-04-15T13:51:19-07:00April 15, 2022|Lifestyle|

Some of the most successful people are late bloomers – they did their most significant work later in life, sometimes after completing an entirely different career. There’s no telling what you might accomplish in your later years. Maybe the best is yet to come for you! Ina Garten Before Ina Garten became one of the best-known celebrity chefs in the world, she worked for the White House Office of Management and Budget. She worked under Presidents Ford and Carter and helped write the nuclear energy budget. She originally fell in love with cooking when she [...]

1 04, 2022

Junk or Treasure? Tips for Decluttering Your Home

2022-04-01T06:59:29-07:00April 1, 2022|Lifestyle|

If you’ve lived in the same place for many years, it’s likely that you’ve accumulated some treasures, as well as some junk. It can be hard to distinguish between the two, especially if you’re prone to holding onto things. If you need to clear some space, consider these tips for decluttering your home. Focus on One Area at a Time For example, take it one clothing type at a time, moving from shoes to casual wear to business wear. It’s easier to figure out which pairs of jeans to get rid of if you’re looking [...]

25 03, 2022

It’s Time to Re-Frame the Way We Think About Aging

2022-03-25T10:48:09-07:00March 25, 2022|Lifestyle, Psychology|

It’s common to hear people complain about getting older, but aging isn’t all bad. A positive attitude towards aging can go a long way towards finding happiness in retirement. There are plenty of things that get better with age, like a fine wine, so why not you too? Here are some wise words that can help us re-frame the way we think about aging. “Aging is an extraordinary process where you become the person you always should have been.” -David Bowie David Bowie was one of those celebrities who refused to retire and continued to [...]

11 02, 2022

Wishing You a Happy Valentine’s Day

2022-02-11T15:27:14-08:00February 11, 2022|Lifestyle|

Happy Valentine’s Day! Whether this is your first with your significant other or your 50th, or you’re spending it with friends and family, there are always new ways to celebrate. Here are some ideas for celebrating Valentine’s Day this year. Talk About the Future Hopefully, not all the good times are in the past – also take the time to talk about exciting things in the future. Maybe you’d like to take a dream vacation together, maybe you’re looking forward to a grandchild, or maybe you’re interested in pursuing a new activity together in retirement. [...]

4 02, 2022

Travel in Retirement Without Overspending

2022-02-04T12:40:50-08:00February 4, 2022|Lifestyle|

So, you want to become a world traveler in retirement, but you’re also a responsible person who knows they need to support themselves for the next 30 years. It’s a common conundrum in retirement. But, with careful planning and some creativity, you could fulfill your dreams of travel in retirement without overspending. Make A Budget Setting a travel budget is one of the rules of retirement to consider, especially if you want to take advantage of your abundance of free time and make multiple or extended trips. You can look at your retirement income, subtract [...]

28 01, 2022

4 False Predictions About This Decade

2022-01-28T12:56:45-08:00January 28, 2022|Lifestyle|

You might have a lot to look forward to in the coming decade: Maybe your children will graduate from college, maybe you'll become a grandparent, and perhaps you'll retire. The 2020s probably aren't what a lot of us expected they would be so far because of COVID, but there's plenty of time for things to improve. Ultimately, no one can predict the future, but let's look at some predictions that have already been proven false about this decade. Life expectancy will rise past 100 Although life expectancies have been steadily increasing, they’re not quite at [...]

21 01, 2022

3 Things We Can Learn from the Incredible Betty White

2022-01-21T16:57:50-08:00January 21, 2022|Lifestyle|

Actress Betty White died just short of her 100th birthday. You’ve probably watched at least one TV show or movie she’s in and might have read about her lifetime of work in a magazine recently. Even if you're not interested in acting, there are some important things you can learn from the incredible Betty White. You Can Adapt with the Times Betty White was 99 years old, making her literally older than sliced bread.[1] Can you even imagine a world without sliced bread? It was also a world without TV. Yet, Betty White became a [...]

22 12, 2021

Resolve to Do These Three Things In 2022

2021-12-22T15:58:22-08:00December 22, 2021|Lifestyle|

Have you made a New Year’s resolution for 2022? 80% of people give up on their New Year’s resolution by the second week of February,[1] but you can beat the odds. New Year's resolutions can be a great way to trade bad habits for good ones, but sticking to them can be difficult. Some people take on too grand a goal to realistically keep up with throughout the year. Here are some realistic things you can resolve to do in 2022. Spend More Time Outside Spending time outside has many health benefits. A recent study [...]

17 12, 2021

What Gift Do You Give to Someone Who Has It All?

2021-12-17T01:11:13-08:00December 17, 2021|Lifestyle|

We’ve all found ourselves in this scenario before: You ask someone what they’d like for a gift, and they can’t give you an answer. They simply say that they don’t need anything, despite your desire to give them a token of your appreciation. If you can relate to this scenario in the slightest, here are a few gift ideas for someone who has it all. Flowers One gift sure to brighten anyone's day is a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. Everything from the smell of fresh flowers to the beautiful color arrangement, and perhaps a quality [...]

10 12, 2021

Gifts That Could Keep on Giving

2021-12-10T18:03:37-08:00December 10, 2021|Lifestyle|

Have you finished your holiday shopping this year? As we age, we have more and more relatives and friends that we exchange gifts with, which means more money and more time spent shopping. So, when your loved ones start handing out their lists, it may be a good time to prepare some gifts that could keep on giving. A Savings Account If one of your grandchildren does not yet have a savings account, now might be a great time to open one and start teaching them the importance of saving. Part of your gift could [...]

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