
20 03, 2020

The Retirement Fingerprint – March/April 2020

2021-10-04T11:11:31-07:00March 20, 2020|Newsletters|

What’s the Price of Oil Got to Do with You? Gasoline prices change due to fluctuations in oil prices, which are caused by varying levels of production and supply reserves. Crude oil production levels are affected by a wide range of factors, from natural disasters to political unrest in Middle Eastern countries.

20 01, 2020

The Retirement Fingerprint – January/February 2020

2021-10-04T11:11:03-07:00January 20, 2020|Newsletters|

What Is an Economic Decline vs. a Recession? An economic decline happens when various measures of growth begin to falter. For example, the unemployment rate increases, inflation starts to rise, housing values drop, and consumers and companies reduce spending. However, just because some of these things occur doesn’t mean the country will enter a recession.

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