Retirement Planning

7 06, 2020

3 Strategies for Creating a Solid Retirement Plan

2020-06-07T22:46:28-07:00June 7, 2020|Retirement Planning|

The past few months have caused many to worry about their financial future, and some may assume they can recoup their losses by delaying retirement or working in retirement. A recent survey found that 54% of Americans say they’d like to continue working in retirement, while 40% say they worry they won’t be able to retire at all.[1] What they may not realize is that many older workers are forced to retire earlier than expected. A study showed that 26% retired earlier because of job loss, and this number is likely higher after the coronavirus [...]

17 05, 2020

Retirement Planning in a Volatile Market

2020-05-17T11:55:17-07:00May 17, 2020|Retirement Planning, Stock Market|

The recent market volatility surrounding the coronavirus may have you concerned, especially if you’re approaching or already in retirement.  Feelings of uncertainty, anxiety, and uneasiness are all common during any scary and volatile market.  These feelings are normal and sometimes it can be beneficial to take a step back and look at the big picture.  We can’t predict the markets, so acting with haste and making emotional decisions can potentially negatively impact your retirement outlook.  Make sure to remind yourself of the reasons you’re planning and investing in the first place.  Focusing on your priorities and unique [...]

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