
11 06, 2021

4 Ways to Use Your Phone While Traveling

2021-06-11T11:52:32-07:00June 11, 2021|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Do you plan on taking a vacation this summer? After forgoing travel for over a year, many people are planning trips this summer. If you do, there are many ways you can optimize your experience by using your phone. Your phone can be pretty much whatever you want it to be on vacation – a notepad, a map, even a flashlight. Here are four ways to use your phone on vacation. Make Lists Before you start your journey, you’ll have to pack. Maybe you already have a list you consult, or you make a mental [...]

4 06, 2021

4 Retirement Lifestyle Predictions

2021-06-04T00:13:16-07:00June 4, 2021|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Do you think your retirement will look exactly like your parent's retirement? The answer is probably "no," and hopefully, it's "it will look even better." Retirement is changing, and it's important to think about what you want in retirement and how you'll afford it. Here are four retirement lifestyle predictions. More People Will Be “Pulled” into Retirement Than “Pushed” Older workers can sometimes find themselves “pushed” out of the workforce sooner than they anticipated by layoffs and age discrimination. However, it may be that more people voluntarily enter retirement earlier to spend more time with [...]

28 05, 2021

Looking Forward to Summer and Retirement

2021-05-28T10:40:33-07:00May 28, 2021|Lifestyle, Retirement|

If you’re planning on taking a vacation, it’s probably something that you’ve looked forward to for a while now. Maybe you haven’t traveled much since before the pandemic and want to this summer, or maybe you’ve recently retired and just want to relax and enjoy your free time. However you choose to spend your time in retirement, the great thing is that that it’s your 30 or more year vacation.  Here are some things to think about when you’re looking forward to summer and retirement. What Will You Do? On average, we spend more time [...]

30 04, 2021

How Will You Create a New Life In Retirement?

2021-04-30T14:56:48-07:00April 30, 2021|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Even though most people look forward to retirement, some forget that losing the structured routines, sense of purpose, and social interactions from having a job can lead to a difficult transition. During the past year, many have realized that never going into the office has drawbacks, even if being home a bit more is nice. Adaptation is key, and a recent Harvard Business study[1] outlines how retirees can adapt to this new stage in life. The study used the term “life structure” to describe the places you spend your time, the activities you engaged in, [...]

2 04, 2021

Is a Big Retirement Move Right for You?

2021-04-02T10:38:31-07:00April 2, 2021|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Some people dream about retiring and jetting off to a tropical location to start a new life. In reality, the majority of people, when asked if they want to stay in their house once they retire, say yes. According to an AARP Report, 87% of people aged 65 or older think the best plan of action is to stay in their current town[1] where they can keep their home and community nearby. As creatures of comfort and habit, this makes sense. It would seem like a lot less hassle to skip the move and stay [...]

7 03, 2021

Are You Planning to Work Longer or in Retirement? Know These Four Rules

2021-03-07T16:08:59-08:00March 7, 2021|Financial Planning, Lifestyle, Retirement|

Retirement isn’t what it used to be. It's typically longer and more active, doesn’t start at the same age for everyone, and could involve paid work. Not everyone's retirement will look the same, and it doesn't have to. Maybe you’ll transition to part-time before fully retiring, or maybe you're looking forward to a second career doing something you love. 86% of Americans in their 50s say they'll work part-time in retirement, and 66% of those in their 60s say they plan to do so.[1] However, working in retirement can have implications for Social Security benefits, [...]

4 12, 2020

Transitioning Into Retirement Is No Small Task

2020-11-28T23:12:10-08:00December 4, 2020|Lifestyle, Retirement, Retirement Planning|

Even though most people look forward to retirement, some forget that losing the structured routines, sense of purpose, and social interactions that work brings can lead to a difficult transition from working to retirement. Recently, a professor at Harvard Business School conducted a study on the mental and emotional effects of retirement.[1] The study found that people undergo “life restructuring” and “identity bridging” in retirement, and it gives examples of how people can successfully transition into retirement. But even though retirement changes your daily schedule, there are ways to help make your smooth transition into [...]

27 11, 2020

The Benefits of Gardening

2020-11-27T12:47:01-08:00November 27, 2020|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Fall is harvest time. Pumpkins, squash, and apples fill grocery stores, and if you have a garden, your own produce might be ready to pick. Of course, not everyone has a garden – gardening can be too time-consuming for people who work full-time or travel frequently. But, one of the great things about retirement is having more free time to relax, adopt a hobby, or develop your social life. All of the above can be benefits of gardening. A garden is not only beautiful but functional. Growing your own vegetables can be a healthy habit and [...]

31 10, 2020

Three Things to Scrap In Retirement

2020-11-03T12:29:53-08:00October 31, 2020|Lifestyle, Retirement|

Successful people are ambitious and disciplined. They set big goals and focus on achieving them over the course of a long career or a lifetime. Many people also have high-flying goals for their personal life– run a marathon, hike Mt. Everest, etc. There are people who assume they’ll cross many of them off their bucket list once they enter retirement and have more free time. But while you're considering adding things you want to do in retirement, you might want to consider what you'd like to let go of. You may be willing to release [...]

18 09, 2020

How America’s Aging Population Will Shape the Future

2020-09-18T07:40:58-07:00September 18, 2020|Lifestyle, Retirement|

By the year 2035, Americans 65 and older are expected to outnumber those under 18 for the first time in our country’s history. In just 10 years, people over 60 will make up the largest consumer market segment and hold a majority of the wealth. In a culture that tends to glorify youth and doesn’t know how to handle the problems older Americans face, this will mean some major changes. Here’s how America’s gaining population will shape the future. Less Negativity Towards Aging, More Celebrating As America’s consumers' age, advertisers and marketers will have to [...]

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