Tax Planning

28 03, 2022

Estimating Your Tax Burden in Retirement

2023-03-23T21:28:22-07:00March 28, 2022|Tax Planning|

Taxes could be one of your biggest expenses in retirement. But once you have an estimate for your tax burden in retirement, you can consider ways to minimize it. The first step towards creating a tax minimization strategy in retirement is looking at how your different sources of income will be taxed. Pensions If you have a private pension, your pensions payments could be taxed at ordinary income rates. They could also be subject to state taxes, depending on which state you are living in. If you’ve been offered a pension buyout, consider how taking [...]

18 03, 2022

Don’t Procrastinate During Tax Time

2022-03-18T12:00:44-07:00March 18, 2022|Tax Planning, Taxes|

Tax Day is April 18th, not the 15th, due to Washington D.C.’s Emancipation Day holiday, so you have a few more days to file your taxes or file for an extension this year than you might have expected. But the 18th will be here before you know it, so don’t procrastinate during tax time this year! Get Organized First, get organized and gather your important documents. These could include W-2 and 1099 forms, medical bills, property tax and mortgage interest documents, and receipts for charitable donations. If you file your taxes electronically, it could mean [...]

14 03, 2022

Three Birthday Milestones That Could Change Your Tax Situation

2022-03-14T07:25:32-07:00March 14, 2022|Tax Planning|

When we think of milestone birthdays, we often think of ones that are already behind us – like 18 and 30. But there are plenty of important birthdays ahead of you, especially as you near and enter retirement. Starting at age 50, several birthdays are critical to acknowledge because they can have implications for your retirement and tax situation. Age 50 At age 50, workers can make annual “catch-up” contributions in addition to their normal contributions. In 2022, you can contribute up to $6,000 to an IRA if you are under 50 and an additional [...]

28 02, 2022

Tax Day Will Be Here Before You Know It

2022-02-28T11:42:58-08:00February 28, 2022|Tax Planning, Taxes|

Tax Day is April 18th this year, due to the Emancipation Day holiday in Washington D.C. on the 15th. This is a good time of year to review your finances and think about your long-term tax strategy. Tax Day will be here before you know it, so know these important tax terms and start thinking about how you’ll work to lower your tax bill. Tax Credits A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar benefit. It’s an amount that taxpayers can subtract directly from their tax bill. Some examples are the child tax credit and the earned [...]

21 02, 2022

Don’t Forget About Your Tax Bill

2022-02-21T20:04:33-08:00February 21, 2022|Tax Planning, Taxes|

Before you know it, Tax Day will be here, so it’s best to start getting ready now. Beyond your tax bill this year, don’t forget about your tax bill in the future, even in retirement. Taxes don’t stop when you stop receiving a paycheck, and they could be one of your biggest expenses in retirement. You should understand how different types of income are taxed and create a plan that works to lower your taxes throughout retirement. Your Social Security Benefit Can Be Taxed To figure out if your benefit can be taxed, add up [...]

22 11, 2021

3 Things About Your Taxes That May Have Changed

2021-11-22T09:05:03-08:00November 22, 2021|Tax Planning, Taxes|

Here come the holidays and everything that goes with them – traveling, cooking, buying gifts, and of course, spending time with the people we love. Even though it’s a busy time of year when finances can end up taking a back seat to decorating and wrapping presents, it’s important to take the time to review where 2021 has left you and prepare for 2022. Here are three things about your taxes that may have changed. The Charitable Giving Rules Have Changed ’Tis the season of giving, and you may be making a few charitable donations. [...]

8 11, 2021

What is a Roth Conversion and Should You Do It?

2021-11-08T08:15:45-08:00November 8, 2021|Income Planning, Retirement Income, Tax Planning|

When you think of your major expenses, you might think of housing, healthcare, travel, or something else. But have you considered that taxes could be your biggest expense, even in retirement? There could be ways to reduce your tax burden today and tomorrow, including a Roth IRA conversion. What is Roth IRA vs. a Traditional IRA? Workers can contribute pre-tax dollars to a traditional IRA. When money is distributed, it’s taxed at ordinary income rates. In contrast, a Roth IRA is funded with after-tax dollars. A Roth IRA can be a valuable asset in retirement [...]

4 10, 2021

Major Changes That Could Happen During Your Retirement

2021-10-05T08:23:47-07:00October 4, 2021|Economy, Retirement Planning, Tax Planning|

Do you ever feel like you live in a completely different world than you did 20 years ago? It’s worth thinking about how different it will be in another 20 years. Beyond cultural and personal changes, we could see major economic changes that could affect us in retirement. It’s always worth knowing what’s going on so you can have a plan to prepare. Could You See Higher Taxes in the Near Future? We’ve seen increased government spending due to COVID and plans to spend trillions more. We could pay for it in taxes down the [...]

30 08, 2021

Plan for the Tax Rates of the Future

2021-10-04T11:42:20-07:00August 30, 2021|Tax Planning, Taxes|

Retirees may no longer receive taxable income from an employer, but they will likely receive income from other sources which can be taxed. And while we know what the tax rates are now, we don’t know what they’ll be in 10 or 20 years – or even one year from now. This is why it's important to plan for the tax rates of the future when it comes to taxes. Now vs. Tomorrow Right now, many people are enjoying relatively low tax rates: In 1944, the highest income tax rate was 94%, and in 1978 [...]

9 08, 2021

How a Financial Advisor Can Help You Pursue Tax-Smart Strategies

2021-10-05T08:30:01-07:00August 9, 2021|Tax Planning, Taxes|

They say there’s no such thing as a free lunch, but what about a tax-deductible lunch? While many of your income sources can be taxed, there are strategies to help minimize your overall tax burden before and in retirement. An advantage of going to one professional for all of your financial planning needs is that everything from investment strategies to estate planning works together in one overall plan. Here’s how a financial advisor can help you pursue tax-smart strategies. Manage Investments with a Tax-Smart Strategy Every part of a financial plan is connected, including an [...]

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