The Role of Melody and Memory in Retirement BML Wealth

When you’re at the peak of your career and starting to think about retirement, many things might be circling your thoughts. “How can I afford my retirement?” Or “What will I do with all this time?” It’s important to remember that retirement is an opportunity to do what you love, not what you have to. When you retire, you’ll have the time to contemplate and reflect on your life, passions, and memories. It can be both an active and introspective period in your life. When you’re revisiting old memories, it’s hard not to remember the music that meant something to you. But retirement isn’t just a time to look back; it’s a time to live life to its fullest.

So, what were you listening to 50 years ago? In 1970, the radio was playing Let It Be by the Beatles, Bridge over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel, Whole Lotta Love by Led Zeppelin, Lola by the Kinks, American Woman by Guess Who, and I Want You Back by the Jackson 5.[1] Your younger years held an explosion of music from all different genres that still influence the music of today, without a doubt. In retirement, you can take a journey to explore your roots with a whole new perspective. Retirement is a new beginning for you to explore what makes you you, not just the end of your working life.

These songs surely bring up memories from your youth. So why not learn how to play them? Songs like these meant a lot to you and still do, but you’ve never had the chance to invest in them and learn how to play them until now. Who’s to stop you from picking up a guitar and practicing the chords to Whole Lotta Love or another classic Led Zeppelin song? Maybe you took a few piano lessons in your youth; why not give the piano chords to Bridge Over Troubled Waters a go? There are teachers out there that can help you play these amazing songs, or you can use online sources to learn the songs that move you. All these years later, you’ll be able to build on your old memories by making new ones.



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