
Our Blog and Newsletters

The National Debt Ceiling and How it Could Affect You

July 3, 2023|Government|

What is the Debt Ceiling? The national debt ceiling is the amount of money that the United States Government is allowed to borrow to pay for its expenses. These expenses include things like Social Security and Medicare benefits, tax refunds, military salaries, and interest payments on outstanding debt the nation may have. The United States [...]

Creating and Maintaining Generational Wealth in Retirement

June 26, 2023|Estate Planning, Financial Planning|

In today’s fast-paced world, ensuring financial stability for future generations can be a daunting task. However, it is a common goal for retirees to create and maintain generational wealth in retirement. What better way to leave a legacy than to provide financial security? That’s why this article will provide valuable tips and insights to help [...]

Banking Sector Issues and Your Finances

June 19, 2023|Financial Planning|

In recent months there have been 3 major bank shake-ups: Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank.[1] This has generally led to fears that there is a larger recession on the horizon. The financial crisis of 2008 was also precipitated by bank collapses, so this has many experts watching the market carefully. [...]

3 Tax Optimization Strategies to Remember for Retirement

June 12, 2023|Tax Planning, Tax Strategies|

As you plan for retirement, it's important to consider tax optimization strategies to minimize your tax liabilities. Here are three key ways to optimize taxes in retirement, based on information from sources published between 2022 and 2023. Consider the Tax Structure of Your State and Locality Consider living in a tax-friendly state.[1] Many states offer [...]

Addressing Retirement for Gen X

June 5, 2023|Retirement Planning|

A recent study by Investopedia found that Generation X’s biggest worry is retirement. The survey found that although many members of Gen X feel like they understand their finances, they are still concerned about setting themselves up to transition into retirement. Nearly one in four Gen Xers are not sure when, or even if, they [...]

Healthcare in Retirement: The Basics

May 30, 2023|Healthcare|

Healthcare insurance is a crucial aspect of managing one's health and finances. Understanding its basics can help individuals make informed decisions to help them stay healthy without running into unexpected costs. Here are some important points to keep in mind:   Types of health insurance: There are different types of health insurance plans, including health [...]

Please note that these publications and appearances occurred before West Wealth Group became a Federally Registered Investment Advisor. They have the disclosures that were required by prior firms and have not been updated in an effort to be transparent and not confuse our clients and prospects.



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